The new understanding in our urban enclaves must be that we no longer accept the doctrine, now preached, that the person who suffers is one who has done wrong or offended some divinity. Instead, we must declare that we who suffer are undergoing one of the inescapable tests of life and may have be chosen for higher service.
We must acknowledge that this understanding doesn’t lead to suffering being accepted passively. Not only must suffering be struggled against, but every effort must be made to help those of our kindred spirit who are suffering as well. The trials and tests of life are not to be endured with passive patience, they are challenges to be met and overcome.
This is a critical point in time where those who are conscious, or awakening to a higher consciousness, must make a real and concerted effort to migrate away from the pack mentality. The pack, or masses, has become immersed in the state of materialism and illusion in which many diseases of the mind, spirit, and body are formed and perpetuated. There is a source of malice that is dictating what is right and wrong, righteous and unrighteous, and the overall moral compass and thought pattern for the masses. Becoming a conformist to misguidance leads to a lack of unity and purpose. It fosters jealousy, hate, and a complete moving away from knowledge of self.
There was a point in history when man had to struggle against everything in his environment to survive and flourish. In those conditions the weak and ignorant fell by the wayside, and the strong and innovative made a way to overcome the harshness and be the standard bearer for the next generation to follow. Nature’s sifting process defined the true survivor. Now there is an attempt by those who seek to keep the masses in a state of subservience by thwarting the natural process of trial by struggle in which men and women elevate into true purpose by overcoming adversity.
The grassroots of mass change always begin with the strong among the disenfranchised rebels. Our hoods must be the starting point of a mass renewing of the mind, not through religion or corrupt politics, but through dedication to the evolving of US as a tribe of elevated beings.
Struggling, toiling, and a willingness to sacrifice life and limb at the altar for the greater good, is what it is going to take to see true progress. Be among those who will be the bringers of change, and not among those written off as bystanders to the struggle.